Thursday, June 24, 2010

I love these kids!

If you've read the blog before, you know about Truan's good friend "Pots". He is very protective of him and it is one of his prized possessions. When people ask me if Truan likes his new baby sister, I should carry these pictures around to answer their question:


Daddio and Marmie said...

Oh my goodness, if Tru-nan gives Jelly Bean Pots, that is true love!!!! So cute. I miss him so much. Give him kisses from Gramma!

Aria said...

Oh man, Truan and his potsy. Too cute for words.

Brittany and Bud Morrow said...

oh my gosh! He is so cute! Such a sweet big brother! He's going to be such a protective brother!

Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

I love it. Mostly i love Truan's squishy cheeks. They are so perfectly smooth and cute I want to squish them! What a good big brother to share- that is a big deal.

The Ross Family said...

that is adorable. Very sweet!

Bethany said...

True-face knows how to show the love!

Heather said...

Okay, THAT is the sweetest thing ever!! What a little darling he is! ADORABLE!!