Devyn Ray Donner was born on June 4, 2010. Yes, she was a FULL week late! But I guess she knew that her mom wanted a June baby. She was 8lbs 15oz and 20 in tall.
Started at 10pm and after a little over ten hours of labor,I had had no sleep all night,was completely worn out and pleaded for the epidural. My buddy "Rob" (I never met him before in my life, but he was the one putting a huge needle in my back, so I assume we're buddies now) graciously gave me one. A little over an hour later, we were ready to push. I think it was less than ten minutes and a couple pushes, and Devyn Ray popped right out! My mom's first words were, "She has HAIR!" I was so relieved, since Truan had NONE the first 9 mos of his life. And then we made sure it was a girl who came out, because we could have gotten a little "Rocco"(my sister delivered a boy when she was told she was having a girl). Devyn will probably never know her name, since Truan keeps calling her "Baby Sister" and I only refer to her as "The Jellybean". We'll have to just teach it to her before she heads off to kindergarten.
I was so lucky and blessed with wonderfully supportive family and friends around me. From Ryan and Nicole, letting us bring Truan over to their house at 2:30 n the morning, to Kellie and Kylie who babysat, played and entertained a two year old for a couple days. I also had my big sister come out all the way from California to help prep for the baby! Amazing!
And then there was my mom, who came out for a week and held my hand through everything leading up to and all through the delivery! Grocery shopping, keeping me fed, pulling fat Truan in and out of carseats, cleaning my house.... the list it endless. There is no thank you sufficient.
To all of these people.
Thank You.
My favorite moments on June 4th:
Kris's face when Devyn was coming out. It was the same as when Truan was born. He does not have a very expressive personality, but when he saw her for the first time, his face could not be described. So much joy and wonderment. I love this man.
Truan's face and exclamation. When we brought him into the room, we weren't sure what to expect. We thought there might be no reaction at all, just curiosity at this little person. But when Truan saw Devyn in my arms he became giddy and exclaimed "Baby Sister?" As if he had been waiting for so long for her! He's one of my favorite people.
A couple more pictures:
Oh yay-she's here! Glad to hear mom and baby are doing well. I'm glad your wish of a June baby was granted as was mine of a May baby! Pregnant mommy prayers are answered! Truan sure looks like a happy big bro and I feel the same way about our baby knowing her name as she's often referred to as "Sister" or "Little Miss". Congrats and good luck to the four of you :)
I love the update! And I am so glad everything went well. I wish we lived closer so our little girls to play together like we did!
Oh she is so precious!! And I have to admit, I teared up a bit reading this. There is nothing like giving birth and how it effects all the people around you
Congrats mina. She is abolutely beautiful. I am so happy for you. Your little family is wonderful!!!!
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