Sunday, February 21, 2010

Climbing, Cousins and Popeye

This little man of ours learns and changes everyday. It's just so crazy all the stuff he picks up on. He's copying everything we say and loves learning new stuff. Here are some of the things that are going on in Truan's life:

Everything's a toy, including boxes. Note, he's aiming his "hand gun" at me. He's dangerous.

Sometimes we find our good friend "Pots" in the high chair, buckled up, waiting for lunch.

Truan's cousin Luca, who we call "Ucca", came to visit. Truan was happy to share his cars and have a friend around. Even when Luca was gone Truan would point up the stairs (where they stayed) and say, "Ucca? Sleeping?". The only reason for Luca to not be around, is if he's taking a nap, right?

Truan is into watching old cartoons that Grandma gave him for his Birthday. I came into the living room to find this. He had himself all set up and had somehow turned on "Popeye". It's like he's a big kid. Don't be fooled, he's still a baby. Right?

Kris put a "route" up for Truan on the climbing wall. Truan climbed it over and over again. We finally had to peel him off because it was bedtime. I'm not sure who had more fun, Truan or Kris who was stoked to see his little boy loving the same things he loves.


Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

so somehow I haven't checked your blog for a while. Truan is awesome! I love the professional pictures. I love all the cute things he is doing. I wish he and spencer lived closer to eachothers- buddies I tell ya. Anyway, super cute.

francesca said...

I just checked your blog last night and was woefully disappointed that nothing was new - darn! And what to my wondering eyes should appear the next morning - yeah, updates!!!!

OK, let's get down to brass tacks - my favorite part was the video (of course) and my fav parts of the video were his heavy breathing, even though he was just hanging on the wall, not really moving and how he was rubbing his fat hands together at the end like, "oh geez, that was a dousy!"


Kellie said...

I am so amazed at how he just climbed on those climber-thingers! His little chubby hands are so cute. I know i shouldn't be amazed, all things considered, he's a genius, but i am! He is more amazing all the time! Ooooh i just love him and want to squish him. SAF FOOO.

Aria said...

OMG, he's awesome and WE miss fat face Tru-nan oh-so-much!!! I agree with Fran, The heavy breathing in the video was the first thing I picked up and loved, and then the fact that he climbs on that wall and can hang on, GReat stuff Meens. I love it

Kylie Jo said...

He is amazing! I cannot believe he can hold on and actually climb a little. He's gonna pass some people up soon, and I know you have to be thinking of the same someone I am! Love you guys!

christina clark said...

oh man, truan has become athletic, who knew that little fat kid could be athletic? that was a great video, heavy breathing and all. i'm not sure if he knew that he was climbing, or just getting to a point where he could fall back on the bed, i love his little giggle. overall, fabulous post, i want posts like these everyday!

Diana said...

I love the picture of Kris holding Truan up on the wall, such a good father-son pic. So cute, and I love that he can turn Pop-eye on himself, kids are too smart!

daddio said...

Godzilla doesn't breath this heavily! Great clip!
