We also got a couple pictures of us sledding, so enjoy.
I turned around to take a picture of Truan in his relaxed state. He was really excited that I was taking pictures and kept asking me to take more. Here's his poses:
We pass by Arrowrock Dam on the way up, just a quick pic.
Truan and Dash had fun playing peekaboo in the curtains and yelling at their dads outside the window!
Truan, getting geared up:
Here's the boys before the going down!
And after: Truan was so excited!
Even mom tried, to heck with having no fun while you're pregnant. (Ok, it was a really mild hill)
Here's Nicole and Dash taking a turn
Truan was so excited to even see other people go down, that he would squeal and clap in delight. He's awesome.
the pictures of him posing in the car are great. so truan face. sledding looks like a blast. my boys miss the snow, wish we could visit you in boise to play in the snow, play with the dogs, and with fat face truan ... oh and you guys too.
ooooohh the drive to the cabin; MY FAVORITE! no, not really. That was me being sarcastic. But honestly if I had Trunan to turn around and look at posing for 3 hours, I'd do it again. love you guys. Come out and visit, seriously!
I love the pictures of Truan just chillin' in the car. So cute!
Ha ha ha, Truan's a legend- going down all by himself!! He had a hard time staying on the sled, ha ha ha, cute man!!
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