Since birth, Truan has hated baths. He doesn't like water in general. It's always been a struggle to keep this little guy clean, since he makes it clear that he doesn't like it. When we took him to the pool, he held on tight and whimpered the whole time. This week was the first time he actually enjoyed it! Kris and I were beside ourselves! Especially since Summer is on it's way (we can only hope)and we want him to enjoy the water activities that will ensue. Now if he could just stop complaining when Mommy leaves the room. . .

Here he is, actually playing with toys in the tub! Yay!

"Mom, why do you keep putting things there?"

"Excuse me people, I'm trying to get Zen here!"

"Does this look like a face that shows mercy!?"
For modesty purposes, I did not post the video that we took. But for those of you who would like to see it, e mail me and I will send you the link.
OH my gosh!! He is soooo cute! I cant wait for summer too! I cant wait to take Ammo and Cammo swiming (hopefully cammo will like it) Hes so adorable playing in the bath! You got a serious cutie on your hands!
Totally adorable! This kid is just magic, he is so happy and cute and I love his little bull frog chuckle in the high chair movie where he is playing peek-a-boo with you. I've gotta get my hands on this kid, and soon!
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