We've sat at our windows praying that, that thermometer will rise ever so generously above the freezing line.
Well that mercury line wasn't generous, but we took what we got, grabbed the dirt bikes and headed to the trails. We were happy to have the Blackburn Family and Kylie come up to play with us!
It was well worth the hauling of bikes and babies.

Luca is skeptical of the trip. "You sure you know how to ride those things?"

"Don't you worry Luca, I've got everything under control"

Heck yes, this girl can ride a four wheeler like it's her Birthday!

...with the help of Ms Kylie Jo

Too cute Ladies!

Truan did not want to sit in the pack n play all by himself

So we brought him a friend

Kylie, showin' a little 'tude!

Ok, ok. Nothing new, just another freakin adorable picture of my baby!

There's my sexy hunk of man, ready to go!

My favorite two boys!

Yay! The four wheeler! (Not moving...)


Our little family!

That's Kylie under that helmet. And she really is smiling for the picture!

Husband and Wife.. and that wangster Walter!

My baby sister, riding a dirt bike for the first time ever! She was So brave, and did better than I did my first time!! I love you Arzie!

I love these boys.

Yes, she's a "Select Stud"!

Cute Kids!

Yup! It's exactly what you think it is! There's no place like Idaho!
Here's a little montage of our activities!
Looks like fun! I haven't ridden a 4-wheeler in a long time. I can't believe the cow picture! That is priceless. Oh and Truan and Luca are adorable, as always.
Oh my goodness! It looks like you guys were having LOADS of fun!! I can't wait for my boys to have some cousins! Love you guys!!
That's so fun! Bud can't wait to take our baby out for it's first right. But I can, because I can see him trying to trap him down at like 2 months old. NOT HAPPENING. Going on riding trips is so much fun! Too bad we don't live closer to each other. We could all go together!
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