Helping Uncle Miah set up camp
Matching head lights...can life get better?
This is his "camera face"
All snuggled up in the trailer, with eye covers. Yes!
The Popes
We love four wheelers!
Look at that face
Daddy Time with the JellyBean
The Donner Girls!
Morning Camper!
These next two pictures deserve an explanation:
This trip was Truan's first run on the Top Bunk! The first night he did fabulous and peeked over the edge to wake us up. Night #2 was a different story. At 2:15 in the morning, Kris and my hearts sunk when we heard a THUD! Truan had fallen off the top bunk. Nothing broke and he's doing fine, but the poor little man looks so beat up. Sad Sad.
His marks of tough and rugged
Kris's First Ascent out in the wild!
Look at that man climb!!
In the trailer, playing with Grandma Kellie
Aunt Kylie and JellyBean having a good time around the fire
These ladies look so good for being on a four wheeler ride!
Late night Scattergories. SO good!
Have you seen these two love birds?
Umm when did my two year old become a gangster? I think when he asked for his "Inja Turtle Hat" (aka bandana)
1 comment:
How fun does that look! We miss camping. Our trip is coming up. Thanksgiving. So sad about Truan falling. Poor guy! That must have been rough! And oh my gosh I can't believe how much Jellybean looks like Truan. I kept having to look in one of the pictures because I was like, that's not her, that's Truan! Crazy. The are such cuties!
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