Funny thing #1:
Truan Loves Toy Story. Watches it at least once every day. And when we went to Walmart recently he wouldn't let go of a Buzz Lightyear action figure. Because we are softies and only have one child (for now) that asks for toys at the store,we happily bought the toy. Truan carries it with him everywhere. He even sleeps with it sometimes (Pottsie, Beware!) Now Truan will stand on books, ottomans, couches etc lift his fists and exclaim "To Infinity,And Beyond!" although it comes out like this: "Infee, ON!"
Funny Thing #2:
Kris and I were talking about when Aria and Walter were coming to visit.We turned to Truan and informed him by saying, "Do you want to see Uncle Walter?" In response, Truan covered his mouth with his fatty fat little hand and whispered,"Oh my gosh."! It was so hilarious, that we continue to replicate it by asking about Uncle Walter, and without fail,he responds the same way because he knows now that it makes us laugh. I tried really hard to get it on film.It is very hard to hear him whisper into his hand, but if you listen closely you can hear it! Enoy! We sure have!
Oh by the way, The JellyBean smile these days and we LOVE it!

OK, I always knew that Truan was a genius, and now, there it is right on camera. :) Of course, he gets his theatrics from his mother. I remember her at 9 MONTHS slapping her palm to her forehead and falling backwards to show her astonishment. Hmmmm........two drama queens in the fam. Little Jelly Bean has yet to show her colors, but I'm thinkin, we may have more to come on the drama front. Kris, I am sorry, at least your "genius" genes came through. :)
okay cutest smile from the bean ever! And Truan is the man with his cute little round face and voice. So when are you guys coming to Portland?? September is the best month...just saying.
So I want to eat that little Truan. He is the most delicous kid ever. Jellybean is looking cuter and cuter. I can't wait to see her at Thanksgiving.
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