Friday, May 14, 2010

2 Years Old

Truan turns two on May 17th. Because I am 9 mos pregnant, currently, life feels extremely redundant to what happened two years ago. I wont go into the long haul of labor again, but I do want to share how much I love this little boy. He is becoming such a grown up person already and yet he still feels like my baby. Maybe this will change when Devyn arrives,and maybe this feeling will never leave me. I love being able to hang out with him all the time! He gets smarter and more fun every day! Kris and I are always amazed by him, we pinch ourselves to make sure we aren't dreaming of this spunky little person!
Here are some things Truan does:
-He loves to give Dad a kiss on each cheek before he goes to bed.
-His favorite cartoons are Ninja Turtles, Spiderman and Dinosaurs
-He is always willing to help mommy by throwing things away in the garbage, "fold" laundry, and "cooking"
-He sings and counts to himself. He normally sings "The ABC Song" and counts "one, two, four, fise, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!"
-He is always aware of any airplane or bird flying overhead
-He loves to point out everything we pass by in the car, "Mommy! Cars! Mommy!Cows!"

There's so much more and the list grows constantly! Today Truan brought me the camera and wanted me to take a picture of him in his Batman Pajamas. This is his camera face.
I love you Truan, Happy Birthday!

And this was another day when Truan asked me to take a picture of him.

And here's a video, for Aunt Steena. Since she's always asking for videos!

1 comment:

francesca said...

OK, this is the second time this has happenedon this blog. The second cheesy smilign picture of Truan is right next to "the mom" picture of mina on the right side of the page .... your heas are tilted the same direction and the same cheesy grin is on your cute faces ... stop it, it's too cute.
