He's not quite up and running. But he gets around.
I always thought I didn't have much in my little house. I'm soon learning that I have a LOT. And Truan wants a piece of it all. Well he just can't have it.

I walked into Truan's room after a nap and found this face giggling back at me. This kid makes me wants to squeeze all the cute right out of him!

"Wow, this is awkward. I thought this was the part where you picked me up..."

"Yes. I hear those who walk on all fours are welcome to the party mix. I believe I am now part of the party"

"Just as I imagined...Delish!"

"Don't take away the party mix! I found it fair and square!"

"Hello? Anything to chew on in here?"

"I bet I could hold on to one of these soda's in my cheek and she'd never figure it out"

"Have you seen the expiration date on these things? Don't you worry. I have it all taken care of"

"Don't even look at me."

"Just hand over the camera. It's not fair to the other babies"
seriously ... oh ....my ..... gosh . that was hilarious mina. good quotes. Traun cracks me up. By the way, who's boob is that in the last pic?
You're so good at that! that stuff always cracks me up! Can't wait for the live thing at Yosemite, awesome
sweet baby..
made me jealously to have baby
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