Happy Halloweeen!
After Kris, Ryan and The Popes came back from the BSU game, we headed across the street to Trunk or Treating! Truan meandered from trunk to trunk gathering good sweets that he wont be allowed to eat. But he had fun nonetheless, starting at everyone elses cotumes. Later we went home and enjoyed some snacks and friends! We even got three whole trick or treaters! I was so excited about it!

Here's Truan sitting in a bucket.... I just loved his smiles in these.

Here's our Dalmation. He seems like such a big kid these days!

The Donner Family, courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures. There's Cruella, her Dalmation puppy and Roger.

Aunt Kylie and a Dalmation!

The Pumpkin Cake

The Food

Are his cheeks totally fat or what?

Aunt Kylie was a Rock Star

Truan Rocked out for a little while

You would steal Dalmations too, if they were this cute!